vineri, 10 februarie 2012

I've untied my eyes...finally..

I'm tired of fighting....
I want to recover all that i once had and I lost because I was to blind to see what is a dream and what is real...

I forgot that I had so much friends,I forgot that they are some persons that really care if I suffer and they care if I am not happy....

I've learned an important lesson,to be careful what I chose....

Evanescence-My immortal is the song thatmade me feel so much pain because I deny you all....

I'm so blessed because I Have so much true friends that proved me that they really care....

I love you all and I wish you all the best,thank you for existing and thank you that you are part of my poor life......

I can't tell what I feel deep inside....I was stupid and blind because I didn't want to see what I had right before my eyes....Thank you....Love you all...

joi, 9 februarie 2012

Doar amintiri,singuratate si nimic

Ma pierd in abisul noptii,atat de multi prieteni,atat de multe amintiri,atat de multe apasari si nimeni sa asculte cu adevarat durerea sufletului meu...
Ma simt singura,parca sunt izolata pe o bucata de gheata in mijlocul oceanului si lumea este atat de departe si nu o pot atinge...Am uitat ca blogul acesta exista,am uitat ca imi pot revarsa apasarile aici.
Atat de multa ura si invidie,barfe,multe rautati si pentru ce?
Pentru satisfactia de a-l vedea pe semenul nostru suferind?Pentru a te simti mai bine cand cel care iti este prieten da de greu?
De ce atata rautate?De ce nu poate fi iubire?De ce nu poate fi pace?De ce ne simtim atata fericire cand altul este trist si impovarat?De ce ne obosim mintea cu lucrurile materiale?

Raman singura intrebandu-ma daca o sa existe vreodata intelegere pe acest pamant.....oare?Sperante desarte?.... remains my only refuge.....because it's the only thing that bind us together......